Exhibition dates. 2 - 13 Nov 2022
Opening Reception : Thur 3 Nov 2022, 6:00 - 8.30pm.
Through the organic material of clay, this small body of work is an effort towards making sense of the duality of form and function, a practice of the art of letting go in the ceramic process, and a gentle sensitivity to material and finish. Each piece arrived in mind after sifting through the work of different sculptors across a large scope of mediums, whilst maintaining a firm commitment to intuitive impulses as sketching and building the work had begun. Though upon reflection they perhaps make little sense as a collection of work together, the objects were formed at times with the poetry of David Whyte echoing in my ears through headphones, other moments in a deafeningly quiet air of contemplation as I slushed the clay between my fingers, or a racing mind filled with thoughts best left alone. Fundamentally, they share a connection rooted in exploration, coming into knowing oneself and learning to accept how I am presenting in this way in the world, at this particular moment in time.