Exhibition dates. 29 NOV - 10 DEC 2023
Opening Reception : Thursday 30 NOV 2023, 6:00 - 8.30pm.
Pavisa Meesrenon, who also goes by Pabaja, is not just a talented Thai textile designer and digital illustrator, but also a creative genius with the ability to breathe life into the sometimes limited aesthetic range seen in digital art. Her work stands out due to its unique ability to capture the essence of the Akha tribe's textile tradition and translate it seamlessly into the digital medium.
Pavisa's designs draw inspiration from the Akha tribe in Thailand, showcasing their patterns and motifs. Her digital illustrations effortlessly blend traditional techniques with modern technology, celebrating the past and embracing the future. Pavisa's intricate designs captivate the eye and tell compelling stories, fostering a deeper appreciation for the Akha tribe's craftsmanship. Through her innovative approach, she pushes boundaries and reminds us of the transformative power of creativity in uniting cultures and mediums.