Exhibition dates. 6 - 17 Sep - 2023
Opening Reception : Thursday 7 Sep 2023, 6:00 - 8.30pm
The Reclamation of Terra
Since the early 20th Century, the trans identity has been forming into what we see now as the modern trans rights movement. However, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated in a 2022 climate change report that “there is nothing natural about extreme weather conditions”.
What good is global equality if the earth is rapidly unravelling? Nature has always been a great healer. I’ve always lived in overwhelmingly noisy cities. Being out in nature eliminates the noise and allows me to recalibrate. As someone who was diagnosed with autism in adulthood, it makes sense that a void of constant assault is healing.
This series is a call to arms. I ask my rainbow family and allies to unify to fight the global climate crisis and overturn this eminent disaster with the might of our world changing movement. Help me save the soulful balm that is our natural planet.
cr.Image taken by Bakri Mahmoud, @bakri2