Exhibition dates. 23 AUGUST - 3 SEPTEMBER 2023
Opening Reception : Thursday 24 AUGUST 2023, 6:00 - 8.30pm
In French 'Jardin Secret' is an expression for a realm of feelings and thoughts that are private, and little- or unrevealed; serving as an intimate hideaway for oneself.
Beside the combination of the sensual and surreal as a main subject, another layer added to the Jardin Secret in this series is what the negative of the images behold themselves. One as well as the other contains a sense of secrecy in their nature.
Through experimenting in the darkroom - e.g., exposing the light sensitive paper with a flash during its development and so, reversing the positive into negative - the potential of the image is revealed.
The final artwork results to a dreamlike, multifaceted outcome that balances the delicacy of light and darkness.